ST 512 Quiz: ST 512 NCSU Quiz1 sp10 key

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15 Feb 2019

Document Summary

Quiz 1 - solutions: (20 points) a random sample of n = 20 elements is drawn from a population of interest and two attributes, denoted xi and yi are measured on each element i. X = 14. 5 rxy = 0. 94 sy = 3. 1 sx = 2. 8 (a) use fisher"s transformation (or any other appropriate procedure) to test the hy- pothesis that there is no linear association between x and y. = 1. 04 (c) estimate the mean change in y per unit increase in x. Estimate the mean and standard deviation of the response y in this (sub)population. (x = x) = 0 + 1 x = y 1 x + 1 x = y = 19. 3. =qm s(e) =s ss(e) n 2. = 1. 1 y: food science researchers run an experiment in which 15 samples of e. coli are ran- domized to ve concentrations (. 03, . 06, . 09, . 12 and . 15 mm) of an antimicrobial agent, (three samples for each concentration).