MA 2733 Midterm: MATH 2733 MSState OE F13 3A

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15 Feb 2019

Document Summary

General instructions: please answer the following, without use of calculators. You may refer to a 3x5 card, but no other notes. Correct answers without correct supporting work may not receive full credit (excluding the true/false section). You may use the back of each page for additional answer space (please clearly indicate if you have done so), or scratch work. Mississippi state university honor code: as a mississippi state university student i will conduct myself with honor and integrity at all times. I will not lie, cheat, or steal, nor will i accept the actions of those who do. C = 0, then c lies in the same plane as a and b. = 0, then both a and are unit vectors. The polar curve described by = 2 (for on [0, 2 ]) can also be described with a function y = f (x). If v and u are unit vectors, then k v uk = 1.