MMG 301 Study Guide - Final Guide: Transmission Electron Microscopy, Gram Staining, Crystal Violet

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Mmg 301 lecture 50 simple stain: single basic dye (eg. crystal violet, safranin, or methylene blue), just soak smear in dye for 30-60 seconds and rinse off slide with water. Biologists define microbial species as cells that share 70% common sequences of dnadisagreement and inconsistencies. hierarchy of taxa from general to specific. Woese compared nucleotide sequences of rrna subunits, proposed 3 domains as determined by ribosomal nucleotide sequences. Eukarya, bacteria, archaea five procedures taxonomists use to identify and classify microorganisms. physical characteristics biochemical tests serological tests phage typing analysis of nucleic acids. Co2--autotrophs "feed themselves"; heterotrophs catabolize organic molecules from other organisms. Hydrogen:in microbial growth and reproduction. common nutrient needed for microbes. Oxygen:in microbial growth and reproduction. aerobes, anaerobes, facultative anaerobes, aerotolerant anaerobes, microaerophiles essential for obligate aerobes, deadly for obligate anaerobes four forms: singlet o2, superoxide radicals, peroxide anion, hydroxyl radical.