ISP 203A Study Guide - Final Guide: March Equinox, September Equinox, British Thermal Unit

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For those of you interested in a study guide. This is merely a guide (not everything on this document will be on the exam. Not everything on the exam will be on this document). All of this information is available on readings / powerpoints / video. Unfamiliar technologies; investment uncertainties and risks result in driving up development costs. Economies of scale; scale of production is small which keeps cost of production high (eg solar panels, although this is changing) Externalized costs of fossil fuels results in low prices for fossil fuels and reduced incentives for renewables. Limited consumer knowledge, understanding, or choice: know advantages and disadvantages to using renewable sources of energy to generate electricity. Wind: a no fuel, co2 emission free, domestic d intermittent, aesthetic, wildlife. Hydropower: a no fuel, inexpensive, flood control/water storage, continuous. D: loss of land, ecosystem disruption, initial cost: be familiar with combustion (reactants and products, know difference between weather and climate.