ITM 309 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Digital Rights Management, Copyright Infringement, Local Area Network

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Exam two review outline november 7, 2016. Ethics: the principles and standards that guide our behavior toward other people: ethikos : developed by the ancient greeks. Information ethics: govern the ethical and moral issues arising from the development and use of information technologies, as well as the creation, collection, duplication, distribution, and processing of information itself: issues related to information ethics: Information management policies: organizations strive to build a corporate culture based on ethical principles that employees can understand and implement, policy examples: Security management planning and lines of defense. 1: information security: the protection of information from accidental or intentional misuse by persons inside or outside an organization. Downtime: refers to a period of time when a system is unavailable: the first line of defense the people. The biggest issue surrounding information security is not a technical issue, but a people issue. The first line of defense an organization should follow to help combat insider issues is to: