HNF 260 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Celery, Immune Disorder, Ketone Bodies

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Leading causes of death in different age categories: overall leading cause of death. Which of the major causes of death have a dietary component: of heart attacks and stroke deaths. What are the projected trends in diabetes: in 2050, 1 in 3 people will have diabetes. How does diabetes affect cardiovascular risk: there is an 8-fold increase for cardiovascular disease if diabetic. Where do we spend more health care $ as a nation: cancer or heart disease: we spend more on heart disease. What are some reasons: fewer because people can qualify for medicare and medical advances. Cdc study of heart attack and stroke deaths are preventable (~200,000 per year: in last ten years. Numbers of preventable deaths decreasing in people age 65+ (medicare, full health insurance) Numbers of preventable deaths in people under 65 are stable (not decreasing) What are the six classes of nutrients: fats, carbs, protein, water, vitamins, minerals. Which are macronutrients: protein, fat, carbs, water.