COM 225 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Active Listening, Reactive Devaluation, Social Cognition

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11 Dec 2016

Document Summary

The robotic moment -meaningful communication between computers and people. Listening is a social-cognitive activity affected by past experiences and future expectations involving data from all the senses. The process of receiving, constructing meaning from and responding to spoken and/or nonverbal messages. Interpretation-assigning meaning to what you hear: attention-focus on certain cues and ignore others, evaluation-evidence to back up claims, source credibility, speaker"s intention, response to what the other said. (not responding shows somethings wrong) Social cognitive activity affected by past experiences and future expectations. Involves data from all senses, emotional involvement, showing interest, and support. Hearing is processing sound waves through the central nervous system (physiological) What 4 steps are involved in active listening: maintaining eye contact, nodding and smiling, asking for clarification, encourage other person to express his/her thoughts. The meaningful communication between people and computers. Authors define it as the process of receiving, constructing, meaning from, and responding to spoken and/ or nonverbal messages .