CJ 211 Study Guide - Final Guide: Tutsi, Kiplin, Mangwato Tribe

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Up to the 1880 s africans were enjoying their sovereignty and were in control of their own affairs and destinies. Between 1880-1900, all of africa except liberia and ethiopia was seized and occupied by. European powers of britain, france, germany, belgium, portugal, spain and italy. Colonization of all of africa in just 25 years because of the competition between. Strongest nations in the race were britain, france and germany. Started in 1879 by 3 starting shots : dispatch of 3 french missions to explore routes for the trans-saharan railway, appointment of the major gustave borgnis-desbordes as the commander of the upper. And the scramble was truly on its way. These forces were dependent on europe, and not any conditions in africa, which is what. Connections : however capital was also invested in us, canada, originally they probably hoped to invest cap ital there though, wanted to safeguard british investments in africa.