KNH 455 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Stem Cell, Blood Sugar, Thrombin

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Liquid soluble: cross plasma membrane, steroids, receptor inside cell. Water soluble: cannot cross plasma membrane, proteins, receptor outside of cell. Describe the negative and positive feedback mechanism of hormone regulation. Negative: desired result stops hormone production. Positive feedback: desired result produces more hormone production. What is the function of each hormone? (be sure if the gland has different parts to be specific: target: kidney, result: increases water re-absorption during urine formation if. Causes bone to be broken down to increase ca++ levels in blood. Epinephrine and norepinephrine: fight or flight response, prolongs sympathetic nervous system, adrenal cortex. Mineralocorticoids aldosterone: target cells are in kidneys, regulates na+ and k+ levels in the blood. Increases carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism to increase blood glucose levels during stress (target: liver, muscle, fat) What are the symptoms and causes of the following disorders: Addison"s disease: decrease in aldosterone and glucocorticoids.