GLG 115L Study Guide - Final Guide: Continental Drift, Plat, Cut Bank

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Geologic time, plate tectonics, weathering of building materials (cemetery lab), glaciations, peffer park. Describe/define stratigraphic principles (superposition, original horizontality, fossil succession, cross- cutting relationships). Be able to use stratigraphic principles and features such as overturned rocks, graded bedding to determine relative age of deposition of formations. Example for practice: fill in the circles below with the numbers 1-10. 1 should be placed in the circle of the oldest rock layer and 10 should be placed in the circle of the youngest rock layer. Compare and contrast relative age and numerical age dating. Define unconformity, describe the three kinds of unconformities (non-, angular, dis-), be able to recognize and distinguish between the three. Understand the principles of isotopic dating, including definitions of isotope, radiometric dating, half- life, parent and daughter, radioactive decay. Be able to determine the numerical age of a rock based on given proportions of parent and daughter isotopes.