FSW 261 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Color Wheel Theory Of Love, Limerence, Storge

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Fsw261 fall 2018 -- study guide for exam two. Legitimate needs should be fulfilled supportive, companion, care, nice to you. Martyring involves maintaining relationships by consistently minimizing one"s own needs while trying to satisfy those of one"s partner. Manipulating involves working to control the feelings, attitudes, and behavior of your partner or partners in underhanded ways rather than by directly stating your case. Emotional interdependence is autonomy in context of mutually supportive relationships (don"t completely lose yourself in the other person) The top three very important reasons for marrying are for love, making a life-long commitment and companionship: how can a person minimize mate selection risk? (pp. Some of the most common love myths include: The right person will meet all of your needs . On page 120 (under the pics), the authors say that. Assisted marriages are marriages that occur only when the children are ready and accept their parents choice.