SOCL 3601 : Socl 3601 Notes Test 1

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

2/9/2014 7:44:00 pm: structural-functionalism: look at different parts of society, how they"re connected to each other, and how each part provides a function to maintain the society as a whole. How change in one part causes changes in other parts to restore the balance and maintain a healthy society: conflict theory: roots in karl marx. Took communist and socialist ideas and put them in broader perspective. Pillars of marx ideas: economic determinism- regard economic system as most important part of society. Economic system determines shape and form of all other institutions. Good idea to have small nuclear family structure and develop education system. Historical materialism- if economic determinism determines shape and form of society, then every area of history can be shown by dominance of economic system. Major and noteworthy historical change occurs when economic system is replaced. Start to see the rise of free market capitalism. Corvee labor- labor that you owed the government, part of your taxes.