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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Operated group did worse than the control group: puts end to focal infection theory. Possibly the 1st controlled clinical trial: malaria therapy, development, fever might be therapeutic for mental illness, find ways to induce fever in patients, uses tuberculin (derived from tuberculosis, during wwi, soldier contracts malaria. Injects soldier"s blood into a psychotic patient: actually works in a particular group of patients, e. g. , neurosyphilis, 1st psychiatrist ever to get nobel prize, picture, did not type blood or anything, insulin coma therapy, sakel* Idea that schizophrenia and epilepsy did not co occur: maybe the seizure is therapeutic for psychosis, grand mal seizure, 2 phases, tonic phase. Rhythmic contractions and flopping around: clonic phase. Patients can stop breathing; apnea: picture, electroconvulsive therapy, ugo cerletti (1877-1963)* January 7, 02 (possible test question: concept of maintenance ect , means that he will receive ect treatments indefinitely. Lobotomy: lobotomy, makes a cut through the white matter, essentially unplugs the frontal lobe, egas moniz*