PSYC 4034 : Test 1 Notes

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Chapter 1 intro: foundations of physiological psychology, the mind-body problem . Think about mind without any consideration to physical process or try to understand subjective mental states by understanding how the brain works. 2 major views: dualism: mind & body are separate but interacting, monism: mind is a property of a physical nervous system, psychological subjects are explained best with physical (materialistic) concepts, replaced animistic notions. Animism is believing in certain spiritual forces that have a causative effect. Product of loss of authority of the church (renaissance) and the emergence of the scientific revolution. Truth was being based on observable fact: rene descartes (17th century, dualism, believed humans are physical but we"re more defined by a spiritual mentality, popularized interactionism: your body can affect your mental life & vice versa. If mind is separate, how does it interact with the body: brain ventricles: hollow chambers containing cerebral spinal fluid.