PSYC 3083 Midterm: Test 2 Notes Class 1 And 2 (Got A+ on the test)

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2 Jul 2014

Document Summary

Major contribution to child psyc was development of assessment instructions. Binet and iq test developed in 1904. Binet simon test translated into the now called stanford binet iq test by lewis. Projective testing tries to get at unconscious thoughts it is rare that someone does the assessment and the treatment /therapy. An assessment may be done at any stage of therapy because maybe when you first started therapy the person seems fine but later down the road they begin to show signs of different issues or actually develop issues. Rorschach- 10 inkblots describe the inkblot and what it might be. Good for picking up severe pathology like schizo. or delusions. Tat( thematic apperception test) - 31 cards and patient picks 10 and has to make a story with a beginning, middle, and end. It is interpreted by what the patient is thinking and feeling and can be a very revealing test.