PSYC 3083 Midterm: Exam 3 (Got A+ on the test)

165 views7 pages
24 Jun 2014

Document Summary

Classical conditioning bring forth capacity to elicit a response through association. Primitive, reflexive responses are learned elicited - to draw out, The process by which a previously neutral stimulus acquires the. A non-reinforced response results in the weakening. Habituation - repeated exposure results in no response. Usually it and eventual disappearance of the response. In cc, extinction occurs when the cs is no longer paired with the us. is an orienting response without reinforcement that decreases vs. extinction. The process by which a response becomes more or less likely to. Chapters 16 (forensics), 17 (health psychology), 18 (psychopharmacology), substance abuse. 6:22 pm: 15 questions on classical and operant conditions. Know basic paradigms of each; how fears are acquired and maintained; punishment; extinction; + and reinforcement; wolpe and systematic desensitization; time out. The association between environmental stimuli and responses to the: conditioning organism"s responses, 2 types of conditioning, skinner.