PSYC 3082 : Test 3 Study Guide

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Elective/selective mutism: choose not to speak in certain situations (not an inability) Pervasive disorders- autism and asperger"s: pervasive developmental disorders occur in language, socialization and cognition, autism is a significant impairment in social interaction and communication, onset prior to age 3, three central features of autism, 1. Problems in socialization and social function- poor eye contact, loners, poor use of nonverbal behaviors, lack of emotional reciprocity: 2. Problems in communication- 50% never acquire useful speech, unusual speech (echolalia: 3. Delusions vs. hallucinations: delusions are bizarre beliefs that are strongly help despite evidence to the contrary, delusions of grandeur or persecution (all the students in the class are fbi and watching him and reporting back. Those with laptops are all sending information to the fbi as he teaches class: hallucinations are when one experiences sensory events without environmental input, hearing and seeing things that are not there; auditory most common. Types of delusions: look at chart on moodle.