PSYC 2070 : Review For Psychology 2070 Test 1

37 views18 pages
15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Intro, methods, prenatal-important ideas to hit on: traditional view of development, as infant you are dependent, then you gain independence, then as older adult you decline. *development happens in a context, you have to take that into consideration. Scientific method: hypothesis- i will get a better grade if i drink red bull , iv-independent variable= the red bull (or not red bull) the variable you manipulate. Example: hearing music during study or not: dv- dependent variable= the grade you get on the exam, ev- extraneous variable= the amount of time you study. Example: knowledge test after studying: you"d have to control the ev or how long people study. Could have an effect on the iv or dv if you don"t control. Example: the time of day, type of information, etc. Longitudinal follow same individuals over time: pro: multiple data points for one individual, more info on that one person, more complete.