MC 2000 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Communication Theory, Selective Perception, Paternalism

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Public relations is mostly behind the scenes. Public relations is a profession in which pr professionals help facilitate mutually beneficial relations between organizations and the public. Organize portray the image they wish to show the public as well as their employees, investors, stake holders etc. Address public opinion that may impact an organizations management on issues affecting their image - policy making, decision making & com. Research issues to inform an organization about public dynamics that can impact an organizations success - they support or change policy. Since the world is more connected, all pr"s work the same way. Global is very important because there is a cpre that has a research about asking pr"s to make curriculum recommendations for education programs (they are the same) Recommendations for future global public relations such a varied nature of work - building relationships between organizations and their key stakeholders. Pr convince people of a point of view or image through dialogue.