KIN 2503 : KIN Final Study Guide

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Digital heat index monitor: easy, efficient, does not accurately measure humidity. Sling psychomotor: combo of dry and wet bulb, commonly used, fairly accurate. Wet bulb globe temperature index (wbgt): different thermometer readings: dry bulb (standard mercury air temperature, wet bulb (measures humidity or evaporation ability, black bulb (black casing that measures radiant heat) Wbgt index: must have wbgt device, uses wbgt equation, utilize chart based on wbgt index, produces an index number, not a temperature rating. Heat index: temperature and % humidity, percent humidity is different from the wet bulb reading, utilize a heat index chart. Influences response to exercising in the heat: previous heat illness history, hydration status, conditioning status, overweight, poor cardiovascular condition, newness to environment. Require 10-14 days: well conditioned athletes acclimate more quickly. Day 1-5: add extra salt to diet, hydrate, re-hydrate, and monitor, avoid exercising in the hottest times, do not exercise in excessive clothes or gear.