HIST 1003 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Imperial Ban, Levée En Masse, Philip Melanchthon

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7 Mar 2016

Document Summary

Part 2 people/terms: robespierre the great jacobin orator who headed up the committee of public. Safety and was executed on 9 thermidor: napoleon french emperor from 1804 until 1814, rises through the ranks of the. French army during the revolution, and is eventually put in as one of three consul"s, but does away with the other two and crowns himself french emperor. He led france on a massive series of military campaigns which took him all over europe and into. Africa: j. j. rousseau was a french enlightenment thinker, he criticized the aristocratic luxuries, and was a fan of republican simplicity. Private property is an issue: napoleonic code a system of laws with no privileges. It was imposed on many countries and also adopted by many after 1815. Louis xiv the absolutist king in france (1638 1715) who dismissed the estates general, was called the sun king, and built versailles.