GEOG 1001 : Geography Exam2

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Feudalism: social system; knights protect peasants, peasants are farmers who provide food for knights and themselves; peasants could not escape poverty. Mercantilism: governed trade 1500s-1800s; objective of finding gold and silver (wealth); used foreign trade and acquisition of colonies to gain wealth. Colonialism: the formal and established rule over local peoples by a larger imperialist government; interdependent states; exploitation of the resources and of the labor of another country; coercion/military force. How europe colonized the world: coercion: military force, economic control to insure dependency, legitimizing colonial rule: support of locals, introducing european model of civilization. Nation: large group of people who share language, tradition, and cultural/ religious identities. State: (country) political entity w/ territorial boundaries recognized by other states; administrative entity; a state can contain more than one nation. Nation-state: relatively homogenous cultural group with its own fully independent political territory; nation and state overlap; *now uncommon: modern nation states would be tiny countries with very limited resources.