CLST 2102 : Review For Roman Civ Test II

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Be ready for questions about the paterfamilias and his powers. Ruler of the household, owner/ manager of household, priest of household, what to do with the children, punishment. Diminished mental capacity, sale of a sun or marriage of a daughter, divorce of a wife. Assets such as money or property controlled by a person. Be ready for a question or two about the limits of male and female sexuality. Being under your husbands paterfamilias, uncommon by the end of republic. Not officially citizens couldn"t vote but helped husbands run businesses. Return of property and dowry, no legal obligation. According to aldrete, what was the most common source of slaves in the. Each had its own job with the more disabled doing the easier work. He still had to do some work and was still under life or death choice. Clients received protection from their patrons while patrons received payment. Know what is meant by praenomen, nomen, cognomen, and agnomen.