CE 3400 : Final Fall 2012 Part 1

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

The scale of ecology in space in time we must study these relationships between organisms and the environment because our species is rapidly changing earth"s environment, yet we don"t fully understand the consequences of these changes. Study environment relationships ranging from individuals to factors influencing the state of the entire biosphere. The studies reviewed are examples of how relationships over a large range of temporal and spatial scales using a wide variety of approaches help ecologists. Latitudinal effects on day length, energy available, and seasonality: uneven heating of the earth"s spherical surface by the sun and the tilt of the earth on its axis combine to produce predictable latitudinal variation in climate. Latitude at which the sun is directly overhead changes with the seasons. Seasonal change occurs because of the earth"s axis of rotations is not perpendicular to its plane of orbit about the sun but is tilted.