BIOL 4124 : Biol 4124 Final Exam

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Malaria: organism, protozoan, plasmodium falciparum, transmission, via vector, in this particular case mosquito. Infection/replication: mosquito takes a blood meal from person indected, then once taken in, malaria parasite can reproduce in the mosquito and then the mosquito will bite someone else and infect them with the parasite. After infection, the parasite travels to the liver and it reproduces in liver cells, which lyse and spread parasites. The parasites then infect other rbc causing them to lyse: symptoms, high fever, recurrent. In children treat with erythromycin: prevented with vaccine dpt. Infection: histological changes during infection enlarged cells amphophilic intracellular inclusions, second leading cause of mental retardation due to infection during pregnancy. Vaginitis: vaginal candidiasis, fungal: canidida albicans, cheesy vaginal discharge, urethritis and dysuria, treated with nystatin, trichonomas vaginalis, protozoan infection, copious discharge, treated with metronidazole, bacterial vaginosis, gardnerella vaginalis+obligate anaerobe like bacteroids.