BIOL 2160 Study Guide - Final Guide: Endoplasmic Reticulum, Skeletal Muscle, Calcium Atpase

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Biology 2160 - Test 4 Notes
Muscle Physiology
Types of Muscle
Skeletal muscle (striated / voluntary)
Cardiac muscle (striated / involuntary)
Smooth muscle (smooth / involuntary)
Skeletal Muscle Structure
Muscle body connective tissue that holds together fascicles (little bundles) of muscle fibers
(aka muscle cell) myofibril made up of proteins
Muscle cells and neurons are the only two types of cells that don’t regenerate at adulthood
Transverse tubules carry the charge deep into the muscle cell to tell myofibrils to shorten to make the
muscle move
Sarcoplasmic reticulum is the endoplasmic reticulum in a muscle cell (“sarc” means muscle)
o Stores a lot of calcium
Neuromuscular junction is the most well-studied synapse in the human body; formed by the contact
between a motor neuron and a muscle fiber
Motor end plate is a part of the muscle cell where there is the highest number of receptors for
Sarcomere Components
Thin filaments made up of two strands of F actin that form a double helix
Thick filaments made up of myosin dimers bound together at tails, binding sites on heads (cross
bridges) for actin
Tropomyosin extends along thin filaments, masks myosin binding site in absence of calcium
Troponin calcium binding site, actin binding site, tropomyosin binding site
Steps in Muscle Contraction (Excitation-Contraction Coupling)
Motor Neuron Action Potential
o From the moment you decide to move your finger to the moment your finger actually wiggles
End plate potential (excitation)
o ACh binds to receptors that produces an end plate potential (aka an action potential in a muscle
Increase in muscle cell calcium levels
Troponin and Trypomyosin conformational changes
Crossbridge cycling sliding filaments (contraction)
Crossbridge Cycling
The functional unit of contraction is called the sarcomere
When calcium released by the SR binds to troponin it forms a cross bridge
Tropomyosin moves away from the binding sites allowing the myosin head to bind actin to form a cross
ATP binds to the myosin then is hydrolyzed into ADP and inorganic phosphate
This activates the myosin head and forces it into the cocked position
Step 1: Cross Bridge Formation
o Activated myosin head binds to actin forming a cross bridge
o Inorganic phosphate is released
o The bond between and myosin and actin becomes stronger
Step 2: The Power Stroke
o ADP is released and the activated myosin head pivots sliding the thin myofilaments toward the
center of the sarcomere
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Step 3: Cross Bridge Detachment
o When another ATP binds to the myosin head, the link between the myosin head and actin
o The myosin head detaches
Step 4: Reactivation of Myosin Head
o ATP is hydrolyzed to ADP and inorganic phosphate
o The energy released during hydrolysis reactivated myosin head
o Returning it to a cocked position
The cross bridge cycle ends when calcium ions are transported back into the SR
Termination of Contraction
Motor neuron input terminates
o Motor neuron stops releasing Ach
End Plate Potentials terminate
High myoplasmic (cytoplasm of muscle cell) calcium concentration shuts SR calcium channels
Active calcium uptake through SERCA pumps on SR membrane
o SERCA Sarcoplasmic/Endoplasmic Reticulum Calcium ATPase
o Pump that uses ATP to pump calcium back into the SR
Calcium dissociates from troponin
Tropomyosin covers myosin binding sites in actin
The Twitch
Smallest muscle contraction you can have
The mechanical response or change in force/tension (measured in grams) of an individual muscle fiber,
motor unit, or whole muscle to a single action potential
Isotonic twitch muscle-generated force causes muscle shortening and lifts a load (load must be less
than or equal to muscle tension) ex: picking up a book
o If the object moves isotonic
Isometric twitch muscle generates force but does not shorten (load/force opposing muscle shortening
greater than muscle tension) ex: pushing on a wall
o If it doesn’t move isometric
Slow vs. Fast twitch fibers
You can classify twitches based on the latent period (the delay)
The amount of time in between the stimulus and the muscle contracting
Three types of muscles:
o Extraocular muscle (allows eye to move) very short latent period
o Gastrocnemius (calf) much longer latent period
o Soleus (calf) mush longer latent period
o The eye is much faster because (from an evolutionary standpoint) we needed to see the danger of
an approaching predator
Has to do with how quickly the myosin head breaks down ATP
Slow twitch- contain slow myosin, (hydrolyzes ATP to ADP and P slower, myosin head cocking slower)
Fast twitch contain fast myosin, (hydrolyzes ATP to ADP and P faster, myosin head cocking faster)
Skeletal muscles can contain slow twitch fibers, fast twitch fibers, or a mixture of both
Glycolytic vs. Oxidative fibers
Glycolytic (anaerobic) generate more ATP through glycolysis
o High concentration of glycolysis enzymes
o Have few mitochondria because they don’t need them
o Used for short bursts of energy
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o Lighter in color
Oxidative (aerobic) generate more ATP through oxidative phosphorylation
o Low concentration of glycolysis enzymes
o Contains lots of mitochondria
o Used for endurance, low-impact exercise
o Darker in color
Types of skeletal muscle fibers and exercise
High intensity exercise (anaerobic) (spring, weights)
o Increases glycolytic capacity
o Decreases oxidative capacity
o Fatigue is caused by lactic acid buildup
Low intensity exercise (aerobic)
o Fatigue is caused by depletion of energy reserves (glycogen)
Smooth Muscle Anatomy
No striations no sarcomeres
Actin and myosin run parallel to each other in several axes (contractions still occur through cross bridge)
Actin and myosin connect to connective tissue at dense bodies
Smooth Muscle Contraction
Contracts in several different directions (gets shorter and thinner)
One difference between skeletal and smooth muscle contraction is the source of calcium
o Skeletal muscle calcium comes from the SR (inside the cell)
o Smooth muscle calcium comes from outside the cell
Other difference is what calcium does once it is inside the cell
o The first thing calcium does is it binds to an enzyme called calmodulin
o Calmodulin activates another enzyme called MLCK (Myosin Light Chain Kinase)
o MLCK (similar to troponin in skeletal muscle) phosophorylates the myosin head and allows
cross-bridges to form, and the muscle to contract
o Troponin and MLCK both keep cross-bridges from forming when there is no calcium around
Shutting off smooth muscle contraction
Inactivation of myosin by phosphates, which remove phosphate group from myosin light chain
Cardiac Physiology
Cardiovascular System
Blood (fluid that carries materials to and from cells)
Blood vessels (series of tubes)
Heart (pump)
Things move from high pressure to low pressure but when dealing with these chambers of the heart
(atria or ventricles), there’s only two ways that you can build pressure in a chamber. Add more blood,
or contract that chamber.
Blood cells
o Erythrocytes (red blood cells)
Carry oxygen bound to hemoglobin (contains iron)
o Leukocytes (white blood cells)
Mediate immune responses
o Platelets (cell “fragments”)
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Document Summary

Types of muscle: skeletal muscle (striated / voluntary, cardiac muscle (striated / involuntary, smooth muscle (smooth / involuntary) Increase in muscle cell calcium levels: troponin and trypomyosin conformational changes, crossbridge cycling sliding filaments (contraction) The twitch: smallest muscle contraction you can have, the mechanical response or change in force/tension (measured in grams) of an individual muscle fiber, motor unit, or whole muscle to a single action potential. Isotonic twitch muscle-generated force causes muscle shortening and lifts a load (load must be less than or equal to muscle tension) ex: picking up a book: if the object moves isotonic. Isometric twitch muscle generates force but does not shorten (load/force opposing muscle shortening greater than muscle tension) ex: pushing on a wall: if it doesn"t move isometric. Smooth muscle anatomy: no striations no sarcomeres, actin and myosin run parallel to each other in several axes (contractions still occur through cross bridge, actin and myosin connect to connective tissue at dense bodies.