BIOL 2153 : Exam 2 Review Materials WITH ANSWERS EMBEDDED

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Digestion: begins in mouth, teeth, molars (used for grinding) Stomach: small stomach 10% of gi tract, 2-4 gallons, feed passes though quickly every hour, small intestine absorption, no gall bladder, continuous source of bile salts. 1: large intestine largest and more complex: colon and cecum (70%, cecum carbohydrates, at least 2 feedings per day. What do horses eat: roughages (pasture, hay, high fiber, low protein, concentrates (grains, high cho, supplements (vitamins, minerals, no more than 50% in concentrates, gi tract folds over and makes passage bumpy and can cause impaction colic. Can be bail, drought and weather resistant: fescue. Pregnant mares: prolonged gestation, lack lactation, off pasture 90 days before parturition. Other feeds: molasses (energy, fats & oils (energy, hard to colic on fat, beet pulp (fiber, soybean hulls (protein, energy, cottonseed hulls (protein, energy) Essential nutrients: water, carbohydrates (cho, fats/lipids, protein, vitamins, minerals. Calculations: gross energy the total energy content of a feed.