BIOL 2051 : Micro Exam 5 Study Guide

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Are these still used today: morphology, motility, metabolism, physiology, cell lipid chemistry, cell wall chemistry, Is microbial colonization dependent on location in the body: yes, what type of virulence factors are siderophores, colonization factors, distinguish between localized and systemic bacterial infection. How does a virulent strain become attenuated: attenuation loss of virulence, enetically engineered vaccines, naturally under nonoptimal growth conditions, is an attenuated strain still deadly, yes, most cases loss of virulence is permanent, viruses and bacteria can be attenuated. Cockroaches don"t bite humans: provide an explanation for why hiv is harmless on your skin but potentially lethal in your blood, hiv cannot survive outside of the body, it needs a host cell to live. 30. 5 in 12th edition: allergens stimulate t-helper 2 cells to secrete cytokines, causing b cells to release ige, ige bind to mast cell receptors, what occurs during second and subsequent allergen exposure? see last part of fig.