ASTR 1101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Kuiper Belt, Asteroid Belt, Van Allen Radiation Belt

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2 Jul 2014

Document Summary

Jupiter: most brightly colored, defined bands of colors, great red spot, highest contrast of any of them, zones and belts. Low altitude: dark in color, brown and white ovals. The positioning: the ovals are not randomly distributed and they can last decades (on earth, storms develop wherever and end quickly) The cloud structures do no north and south movement; only east and west (earth: a hurricane can start by africa and move up and over to us: polar winds. Some go east and some go west: cassini provides a jupiter movie. Great red spot: great red spot. Higher elevation than everything else including zones. Anti-hurricane: earth hurricane: low pressure system, so high pressure storm. Size: at largest it is 3 earths across; smallest is 1 earth across; on average and now, it is about 2 earth"s. Been there for centuries at least since galileo started looking.