ANTH 1003 Study Guide - Final Guide: European Colonialism, Human Reproduction, Powdered Milk

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2 Jul 2014

Document Summary

Final exam review topics: define culture and know the characteristics of culture, what is a subculture, name and briefly describe the four traditional sub-disciplines of anthropology in the. Nation-states may use ethnicity in order to create national unity. Know the key terms we studied related to kinship charts. Be prepared to identity whether a chart shows a patrilineal or matrilineal society. Kinship- a social network of relatives within which individuals have rights and obligations. One"s kinship status determines these rights and obligations. Kinship is especially important in societies where institutions such as a centralized government, a professional military, or financial banks are absent or ineffective. Descent traced exclusively through the female line to establish group membership. Descent is traced through the female line. Does not confer public authority on women ( matriarchy), but women have more say in decision making than in patrilineal societies. Authority is often in hands of mother"s brother.