NURS 3310 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Palpitations, Paroxysmal Nocturnal Dyspnoea, Hyperthyroidism

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Document Summary

More income and higher education level= longer life. Michael grossman: looked at correlation between socioeconomic status and health, health is produced through: Health system: factors that contribute to health. Life expectancy has increased: latter years have become healthier. Medicare: provides coverage to 97% of americans over 65. Low socioeconomic status are more likely to: be obese, develop diabetes, have undiagnosed diabetes, less successful at implementing at home diabetes management. Beliefs about the value of medical care. Socioeconomic status and impact on health care utilization. Higher socioeconomic status are more likely to use informal care systems. Long term financial stress is related to poor health outcomes. Individuals with mental and physical disabilities are more likely to be poor. Carbohydrate, fat, water, and fiber needs remain the same. Age affects the need for calcium, vitamin d, folic acid, vitamin b6, vitamin b12, and riboflavin. Snacking is important: digesting large meals becomes more difficult.