BIOL 102 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Carl Linnaeus, Species Problem, Antibiotics

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5 Apr 2016

Document Summary

Chapter 22- darwin and evoluion: historical context: natural theology. Evidence: direct observaions, fossil record, homology and analogy, biogeography. Pangea- a superconinent that existed during the late paleozoic and early mesozoic eras. Endemic- exclusivity to one locaion, cannot be found anywhere else. Certain species are only found in one locaion. Inherited characterisics of organisms that enhance their survival and reproducion in speciic environments. The modiicaion (done by humans) of other species over many generaions by selecing and breeding individuals that possess desired traits. Those similar structures do not have the same funcion. Remnant of features that served a funcion in the organism"s ancestors The independent evoluion of similar features in diferent lineages. Example: light in certain bugs and insects/ birds (useful for both but share diferent lineages) Structures that share similar funcions but not as a result of similar ancestry. 1. individuals within a populaion have varying traits some traits are heritable. 2: populaions produce more ofsprings that can survive.