PSYC 104- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 101 pages long!)

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Basic phenomena in conditioning: acquisition: moment the dog learns to give a conditioned response to bell. Extinction: you cannot unlearn a behavior, you just no longer reinforce it with a reward and drive it into extinction: example: dog no longer sees food and stops salivating. Spontaneous recovery: when a previously established conditioned response shows up again after driven to extinction: learning a math equation and years later, seeing the equation again and be able to complete the problem, higher-order conditioning (a. k. a. Punishment: adding or taking away to decrease likelihood of behavior. Efferent (motor) neurons: carry outgoing messages from the brain and spinal cord to the muscles and glands. Thalamus: relays and filters info from the senses to the cerebral cortex: hypothalamus: regulates body temperature, hunger. Pituitary gland: releases hormones that direct functions of many other glands in the body: hippocampus: critical for creating new memories, amygdala: emotional processes, formation of emotional memories.