COMS 130 Study Guide - Final Guide: Ad Hominem, Fallacy, Communication Apprehension

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Your own ethos affect credibility of testimony you cite. [against the person] = name calling attacking the source rather than the argument itself. Argumentum ad baculum: appeal to force or fear. Argumentum ad ignorantium: appeal to ignorance- assume something is true because it has not been proven false. Argumentum ad populum: appeal to numbers- more people that support an idea- or more popular sentiment backing an idea. Argumentum ad antiquitatem: assert something is right because it as always been that way. Ad vericundium: appeals solely to a person"s authority to justify a claim. Fallacy of composition: results of taking collectively that which should be taken separately, believing that what is true for each individual is true for the whole. Fallacy of division: occurs when you assume that what is true for the whole is true for each individual part. Post hoc propter ergo hoc: [after this therefore because of this] asserting causation when only correlation is proven.