ANTH 304 Midterm: Exam 2 Study Guide - Partial

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This is not completely filled out, but it. Human variation, human adaptation, and the living primates. Polygenic traits phenotypic traits that result from the combined action of more than one gene; most complex traits are polygenic (traits for which the phenotype (appearance) depends on alleles at many different genes) Mendelian traits regulated by a single locus and show a simple mendelian inheritance pattern. Polygenic trait refers to inheritance of a phenotypic characteristic (trait) that is attributable to two or more genes and their interaction with the environment. Unlike monogenic traits, polygenic traits do not follow patterns of mendelian inheritance (qualitative traits). Instead, their phenotypes typically vary along a continuous gradient depicted by a bell curve. Know about polygenic traits (just comparing to mendelian traits) Adaptation a trait that increases the reproductive success of an organism, produced by natural selection in the context of a particular environment.