MKTG 35035 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Decision Rule, Impulse Purchase

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The customer creates some of the value that he/she gets from the product. Value co-creation means that the company alone cannot create all of the value a customer will get out of a product. The customer helps to create the value he/she experiences through how he/she purchases and consumes the product: question 2. Becky wants to relax so she purchases a massage. Hedonic value is value from the immediate gratification that comes from some activity: question 3. A car company wants to increase the value of their cars by offering a free extended warranty and free car washes for a year. An augmented product is described as an actual physical product purchased plus any added services that are necessary to use the product and increase its value: question 4. Your parents, friends, celebrities, and social media are all examples of ______________, which influences consumer decision-making.