PSY-P 102- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 50 pages long!)

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According to richard lazarus, events are not stressful in and of themselves; stress determined by your subjective response- cognitive appraisal- to external events or circumstances: cognitive appraisal: is how we interpret stressful situations to ourselves. If you believe you have the resources necessary to meet a challenge, you"ll experience little or no stress. We evaluate, & re-evaluate, our coping responses as we deal with stressful circumstances. If our coping efforts are successful, stress will decrease. *appraisal model of stress: whether we experience stress depends on our cognitive appraisal of the event and the resources we have to deal with it. Events or situations that are negative, severe, and far beyond our normal expectations for everyday life or life events. 85% of people report having been exposed to a traumatic event during their lifetime. When traumas are intense or repeated, some psychologically vulnerable people may develop post-traumatic stress disorder.