ECON-E 201 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Pigovian Tax, Planned Economy, Cost

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Exam 2 Study Sheet
Elasticity of Supply
An increase in price gives rises to an increase in quantity supplied. (vice versa)
Measures how responsive the quantity supplied is to a change in Price
The more responsive quantity supplied is to a change in price, the more elastic the supply
Formula for Elasticity of Supplied
ES= percent change in price
P ercent change in quantity supplied
Midpoint Formula
ES= =
%Qsupplied Q2 − Q1
(Q2 + Q1) / 2
P2 − P1
(P2 + P1) / 2
Determinants of Elasticity of Supply
The Fundamental Determinant is how quickly per-unit costs increase with an increase in
If increased production requires much higher per-unit costs, then supply will be
If production can increase without increasing per-unit costs very much, then supply
will be elastic
Price System
Markets link the world
The market acts like a giant computer to arrange our limited resources to satisfy as many of our
wants as possible
Millions of people acting in his or her own self-interest, plays a role to the market
Invisible Hand: The unobservable market force that helps the demand and supply of goods in
a free market to reach equilibrium automatically
Voluntary cooperation and exchange
No need planning from the government
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A change in supply or demand in one market can influence markets for different products in
different parts of the world
Great Economic Problem: How to arrange our scarce resources to satisfy as many of our wants
as possible
Price is a signal wrapped up in an incentive because prices signal the value of resources to
consumers, suppliers, and entrepreneurs, and they incentivize everyone to take appropriate
actions to respond to scarcity and changing circumstances.
Central Planning: a planned economy,
the allocation of resources is determined by a comprehensive plan of production
which specifies output requirement
Free market prices work as a signal because through buying and selling, prices come to reflect
important pieces of information
Market prices can be informative that new markets are being created to help many predict
future events.
Price Controls
Government intervention in the market involving the setting of price ceilings or price floors,
preventing the market from reaching a market-clearing equilibrium price.
Price Ceilings
Maximum price on a good set by the government that is below the equilibrium price of the
market which results in a shortage
Make necessities affordable to poor people
Creates 5 Important Effects:
Reductions in product quality
Wasteful lines and other search costs
A loss of gains from trade
A misallocation of resources
Reduces the gains from trade
Cause a misallocation of scarce resources
Demanders with the highest willingness to pay have no easy way to signal their demands nor
do supplier have an incentive to supply their demands
Shortages (excess demand): PC don’t let the price to adjust to its equilibrium value which
results in a shortage, Q demanded > Q supplied (Qd > Qs)
The lower the price the bigger the shortage, Sellers have more customers than they have goods
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A(cid:511) i(cid:511)(cid:457)(cid:534)ease i(cid:511) p(cid:534)i(cid:457)e (cid:480)i(cid:922)es (cid:534)ises to a(cid:511) i(cid:511)(cid:457)(cid:534)ease i(cid:511) (cid:533)ua(cid:511)tit(cid:929) supplied. (cid:2486)(cid:922)i(cid:457)e (cid:922)e(cid:534)sa(cid:2487) Measu(cid:534)es ho(cid:923) (cid:534)espo(cid:511)si(cid:922)e the (cid:533)ua(cid:511)tit(cid:929) supplied is to a (cid:457)ha(cid:511)(cid:480)e i(cid:511) p(cid:534)i(cid:457)e. The (cid:510)o(cid:534)e (cid:534)espo(cid:511)si(cid:922)e (cid:533)ua(cid:511)tit(cid:929) supplied is to a (cid:457)ha(cid:511)(cid:480)e i(cid:511) p(cid:534)i(cid:457)e, the (cid:510)o(cid:534)e elasti(cid:457) the suppl(cid:929) (cid:457)u(cid:534)(cid:922)e. P ercent change in quantity supplied percent change in price. Q2 q1 (q2 + q1) / 2. P 2 p 1 (p 2 + p 1) / 2. The fu(cid:511)da(cid:510)e(cid:511)tal dete(cid:534)(cid:510)i(cid:511)a(cid:511)t is ho(cid:923) (cid:533)ui(cid:457)kl(cid:929) pe(cid:534)-u(cid:511)it (cid:457)osts i(cid:511)(cid:457)(cid:534)ease (cid:923)ith a(cid:511) i(cid:511)(cid:457)(cid:534)ease i(cid:511) p(cid:534)odu(cid:457)tio(cid:511) I(cid:479) i(cid:511)(cid:457)(cid:534)eased p(cid:534)odu(cid:457)tio(cid:511) (cid:534)e(cid:533)ui(cid:534)es (cid:510)u(cid:457)h hi(cid:480)he(cid:534) pe(cid:534)-u(cid:511)it (cid:457)osts, the(cid:511) suppl(cid:929) (cid:923)ill (cid:456)e i(cid:511)elasti(cid:457) I(cid:479) p(cid:534)odu(cid:457)tio(cid:511) (cid:457)a(cid:511) i(cid:511)(cid:457)(cid:534)ease (cid:923)ithout i(cid:511)(cid:457)(cid:534)easi(cid:511)(cid:480) pe(cid:534)-u(cid:511)it (cid:457)osts (cid:922)e(cid:534)(cid:929) (cid:510)u(cid:457)h, the(cid:511) suppl(cid:929) (cid:923)ill (cid:456)e elasti(cid:457) The (cid:510)a(cid:534)ket a(cid:457)ts like a (cid:480)ia(cid:511)t (cid:457)o(cid:510)pute(cid:534) to a(cid:534)(cid:534)a(cid:511)(cid:480)e ou(cid:534) li(cid:510)ited (cid:534)esou(cid:534)(cid:457)es to satis(cid:479)(cid:929) as (cid:510)a(cid:511)(cid:929) o(cid:479) ou(cid:534) (cid:923)a(cid:511)ts as possi(cid:456)le. Millio(cid:511)s o(cid:479) people a(cid:457)ti(cid:511)(cid:480) i(cid:511) his o(cid:534) he(cid:534) o(cid:923)(cid:511) sel(cid:479)-i(cid:511)te(cid:534)est, pla(cid:929)s a (cid:534)ole to the (cid:510)a(cid:534)ket.

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