P R 220 Study Guide - Final Guide: Peanut Butter, United Airlines, Paris Hilton

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Lobbying: they have to be registered, ex. ) can"t just go to capitol hill: government public relations, be the match - case study. Lobbyists: job is to inform and persuade fact-finding interpretation of government action interpretation of company action advocacy of position publicity springboard. Press secretary: speak to press on behalf of governor, president, mayor: belongs to a person, government public relations. : public funds - our tax dollars, have to be very careful about how they spend their money because taxpayers of america are paying for them, higher level of accountability. Bad: paris hilton accident, chanel purse, cocaine inside it, but she said she was just holding it ex. ) Good: george clooney"s publicist told paparazzi that george would be somewhere. 15) corporate pr, relationship between pr and customer service, a bad customer experience spreads more quickly than a good customer experience ex. ) guitar guy makes video about united air lines ex. )