HD FS 102 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Do Not Resuscitate, Healthcare Proxy, Persistent Vegetative State

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About 75 percent of deaths occur among people age 65 and older: death now most often results from chronic, degenerative diseases rather than infectious. B. diseases and most often occurs among the elderly rather than children. Persistent vegetative state: a condition in which higher cortical functions (responsible for thinking and feeling) has ceased, while brainstem function (responsible for the heart beating and for breathing) continues. Brain death: death that is considered to have occurred when all signs of brain activity, as measured by brain waves, have ceased for a specified period of time. Advance directive: a legal document that specifies the life sustaining medical treatments people wish to receive if they become terminally ill and unable to communicate their preferences. Living will: a type of advance directive in which people provide directions about the specific life- sustaining treatments they do or do not want to receive if they become incurably ill and their death is imminent.