GEO 102 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Capillary Fringe, Silt, Monocline

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27 Oct 2017

Document Summary

Stress the force acting on a surface. Deformation change in shape or volume of a rock in response to stress. Differential applied force is greater in one direction. For faults or folds to occur, the stress must be differential. Deformation: elastic nonpermanent, rock returns to original shape. Strike the orientation of a line of intersection between a rock layer and a horizontal plane. Dip the angle between a tilted surface and a horizontal plane. Running water - (stream flow: laminar flow - particles flow in a straight-line path, parallel to the stream channel, turbulent flow - water moves in an erratic fashions characterized by swirling, whirlpool-like eddies. Controlling factors: velocity of flow, roughness of the channel bottom. Discharge - the amount (volume) of water pasting a certain point in a given amount of time. (m3/sec, mgd, cfs, gal/min. ) Gradient - the vertical drop of a stream over a fixed distance.