[CJS 102] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (38 pages long)

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Document Summary

Iliad=revenge: revenge and punishment before testament was formed. Plato: you punish to instruct , 100 years before christ. Aristotle: distributive punishment because they deserve it vs. to make things right again, such as suing someone. Thomas aquinas was a catholic priest: 200 years after natural law. John rauls: treating people fairly, justice as fairness. Divine right of kings: whatever they said, went operating under the king . Machiavelli the prince: god doesn"t equal nothing, people can be manipulative. Social contract: agree to get along, cooperating. Positivism: law comes from people with power. Sociological jurisprudence: problems can be solved. Cellphones and laws about privacy: laws are created. Focuses on classes of people: race, religion, gender. Universal declaration of human rights by united nations. Justice and economics: gap between rich and power growing. Justice and gender, justice and race, justice and environment: trafficking in rhino horns or tiger hides. Member: part of the group treated differently. Time: what happened bring different times.