PSY 085 Study Guide - Final Guide: Phallic Stage, Oedipus Complex, Electra Complex

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Psychopathia sexualis (1886): classification of sexual disorders which still has an impact on the field today. Advocated for sympathetic, medical concern for sexual perversions (deviations) Affected legal policy to mandate treatment versus just jail for sex offenders. Viennese neurologist who identified the conversion disorders and advocated therapy (talking cure) to tap into unconscious conflicts that resulted in psychiatric symptoms. Believed that the driving forces of human behavior were sex and aggression. Developed psychosexual stages of human development: believed that libido (sexual energy) was expressed through different modes throughout human development and impacted the development of the adult personality. Oral (birth to 1), anal (1-3), phallic (4-6), latent (6-puberty) and genital (puberty to adulthood) Believed that fixation at any of these stages would lead to unresolved conflicts that would manifest as psychiatric symptoms in adulthood. Haverlock ellis(1859-1939): english physician who studied human sexuality. Published studies in the psychology of sex (1897-1910)