FSHN 185 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Micronutrient Deficiency, Nutrient Density, Salivary Gland

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A substance of food that provides energy and structure to the body and regulates body processes. A nutrient that must be consumed in the diet because it cannot be made by the body or cannot be made in sufficient quantities to maintain body function. The energy in food is called chemical energy. Malnutrition is a condition resulting from an energy or nutrient intake either above or below that which is optimal. Protein-energy malnutrition- resulting from deficiencies in any or all of the nutrients. Micronutrient deficiency diseases- resulting from a deficiency of specific micronutrients. Overnutrition- poor nutritional status resulting from dietary intake in excess of that which is optimal for health. Undernutrition- poor nutritional status resulting from a dietary intake below that which meets nutritional needs. Proteins (all proteins are made up of amino acids that are linked together in different combinations to form different proteins) Vitamins (organic molecules which are needed in small amounts to maintain health.