CULTBLF 23 Study Guide - Final Guide: Rabbinic Judaism, Reform Judaism, Foreskin

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CB 23 Final Studyguide
Cumulative non essays
A. Evaluate (provide arguments pro and con) the following thesis:
“The Bible is no more a Jewish book than it is a Christian book.
Rather, through creative interpretation, selective reading, and
occasional mis-reading, it became a Jewish book for Jews just as it
became a Christian book for Christians.”
1. The bible is no more a Jewish Book than it is a Christian book. The two share
similar relationships and assumptions about the bible. Both Jews and Christians
interpret the bible literally and use creative interpretation, selective reading, and
occasional mis-reading in order to back their respective views. This can be seen
in the rituals and ideas of both religions.
2. Both start from same assumptions:
a. Bible leads to primary foci of both religions
b. Eternally true, omnisignificant, revealed by God, speaking to and about us
3. Early rabbi’s and Christians tried to stay true to original text
a. But, Hebrew bible is strange to jews and Christians. Needed to be bent to
fit time concerns of early rabbi’s/Justin
b. Jews read more literally, but use expansive exogenesis
c. Christians use allegory and typological readings
4. Can be seen in rituals such as circumcision:
a. Jews:
a.i. Literal text says (Genesis 10-17) says eight-day old babies are
circumcised, celebration of paternity, sign of the covenant, tribal mark.
a.ii. Rabbis give supplementary material perhaps in response to Hellanizing
a.ii.1. The text doesn’t explicitly say what the foreskin is
a.ii.2. Doesn’t say how to perform
a.ii.3. Doesn’t say who must perform
a.ii.4. Doesn’t say what happens if, for example, a baby is ill
a.ii.5. Doesn’t say what happens if the baby is born without a
foreskin or if it is not an 8 day old baby
a.ii.6. Doesn’t say what happens if it is a convert to judiasm and
the 8 day deadline doesn’t apply
a.iii. Rabbis use Rabbinic literature to give detailed description and add to
the process of circumcision
a.iii.1. Gives provisions what to do if:
a.iii.1.a. The baby is ill
a.iii.1.b. The 8th day falls on the Sabbath
a.iii.2. Process is more invasive then mere cutting of the foreskin
a.iii.2.a. Perhaps one of the ways where Jews try to
deal with Hellanized Jews
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a.iii.3. Add to significance
a.iii.3.a. Mishnah and Talmud declare circumcision
as “great”
b. Christians:
b.i. Circumcision not physical, only baptism is necessary
b.ii. Read allegorically rather than literally as well
b.iii. Internal circumcision is more important than external circumcision
b.iii.1. This is a Scriptural argument. Paul is talking about verses
that reference circumcision of organs without foreskins (lips,
heart, etc.) (duet., Jeremiah).
b.iv. Remove spiritual blockages
b.v. Universal rite replaces circumcision
5. Additionally in ideas such as the Messiah:
a. Judaism: Messiah is Davidic King
b. Belief in unconditional kingship of Davidic line
c. Bible refers to King as Son of God
c.i. Interpreted non-literally
d. Unconditional kingship implies to Jews that Davidic line has to return.
d.i. Backed up by prophesies of an ideal future, some with David or a
Davidic king (Isaiah 9 and 11, Ezekiel 34)
d.ii. Non-literal interpretation
e. No Jewish group believes in a messiah as means for atonement of sin or
f. Rabbinic Judaism understood Messiah as Davidic King: a warrior, judge, and
rebuilder of the temple
g. 19th century reform Jews reinterpret “messiah” as era of peace and progress
rather than an individual reformer
g.i. Again, changing the literal meaning.
6. Christian View
a. Fundamentally constructed on Messiansim.
b. Christ is King of the Jews, but also priest, prophet, God, Son of God, the
Logos who existed before the world
c. Similar to Rabbinic Judaism in that the Messiah is conceived as royal warrior,
judge, and inaugurator of the endtime.
c.i. Warrior: Battle against sin, resurrection represents triumph over death
c.ii. Judge: Nicene Creed
d. Necessary that the Messiah (Jesus) be anointed by Spirit of the lord as King,
Priest and Prophet)
e. King in the Bible is sometimes called son of God
e.i. Interpreted literally by Christians
f. Jesus said to be virgin born (NOT immaculate conception, that was Mary)
g. After coming of Jesus, Jews would not have prophets or kings (Gen 49:10)
g.i. Jews had prophets and kings through Jesus, after which both stopped.
h. Justin represents Christian view of two comings of Christ, one in suffering
one in glory
h.i. Justin connects his first coming to the “Suffering Servant” (Isaiah 53)
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h.ii. Typological interpretation
i. Suffering, dying, resurrecting messiah has no precedence in history of
j. Christians are waiting for second coming of Jesus, just like cessation of
Davidic house implies their return, the death of Jesus suggests the belief in his
k. However, still debates though, Christ’s return to earth, rescue of the faithful,
period of tribulation etc.
7. Ultimately both can lay equal claim. Both use a mix of interpretation and literal
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Document Summary

Cumulative non essays: evaluate (provide arguments pro and con) the following thesis: The bible is no more a jewish book than it is a christian book. The two share similar relationships and assumptions about the bible. Both jews and christians interpret the bible literally and use creative interpretation, selective reading, and occasional mis-reading in order to back their respective views. Needed to be bent to fit time concerns of early rabbi"s/justin. Jews read more literally, but use expansive exogenesis b: christians use allegory and typological readings, can be seen in rituals such as circumcision: a. Literal text says (genesis 10-17) says eight-day old babies are circumcised, celebration of paternity, sign of the covenant, tribal mark. a. ii. Rabbis give supplementary material perhaps in response to hellanizing. The text doesn"t explicitly say what the foreskin is a. ii. 2. Doesn"t say what happens if, for example, a baby is ill a. ii. 5.