SPHR 2107 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Praat, Standing Wave, White Noise

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______ describe the distinction between periodic and aperiodic complex waves. Complex periodic sound waves: discernible pattern that repeats itself. Complex aperiodic sound waves: no discernable pattern, vibratory motion is random: ______ describe and give examples of transient and continuous aperiodic sounds. Continuous: occur for a relatively long time : white noise. Transient: brief: ______ define fundamental frequency and harmonics. Standing wave: appears to not move: wave formed by 2 waves of equal amplitude and frequency traveling in opposite directions (oscillate up and down) Nodes: point of zero displacement: occurs at any closed or tied end. Antinodes: point of maximum displacement: occurs at any open or loose end: ______ describe and discuss resonance, and its role in speech production. Resonance: certain frequencies at which a body will vibrate best: natural frequency. Ex: swing, clock, bridges: ______ describe what a fourier analysis does and the information it provides . Shows components of sound as they change over time.