PSYC 2012 Study Guide - Final Guide: Moro Reflex, Knowledge Representation And Reasoning, Spreading Activation

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13 Feb 2018

Document Summary

Chapter 7: knowledge (part 1: theories of knowledge, network theories, hierarchical network theory, node-link system- words, concepts, images, facts represented as nodes. When word/concept/etc. present in s"s mind activation at node for word/concept/etc. True or false: a canary is a toaster. True or false: spreading activation- concepts in question activate nodes. Activation spreads in all directions from activated nodes. Class inclusion relations represented implicitly, but must be computed: stage 1- rough comparison of all features. Exam 2: development of narrative schemas- schema for telling a story, includes setting, character, episodes, and plot. Develops over childhood: schemas as organizers, person schema- schema that connects common features of people. Indicate whether or not two drawing depict same object: limitations of imagery- images not pictures, reed and johnsen study, memorize image of geometric drawing. Indicate whether various components were present in the drawing. Chapter 8: imagery (part 2: relationship b/w imagery and perception: brooks study, brooks study.