PSC 1002 Study Guide - Final Guide: Supremacy Clause, Sanctuary City, Federalist No. 10

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In logic chapter 2, try to find concepts and ideas that highlight collective action problems. The drafting of the constitution was the result of collection action problems, but why: after the revolutionary war, america was governed by the articles of confederation. What is a confederation: what were the problems with the articles of confederation, shays" rebellion is one of the events that ultimately led to drafting the constitution. Shays" rebellion show about the weakness of the american government under the articles of. Confederation: the constitution is a document filled with compromises. Please make sure you understand the following: the virginia plan, the new jersey plan, the great compromise, and the compromise over slavery: unlike the articles of confederation the constitution creates three branches of government. What are those branches and what are their powers under the constitution: the framers realized that the federal government needed to be stronger under the constitution than it was under the articles of confederation.