PSC 1002 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Federalist No. 10, Plurality Voting System, Primary Election

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All semester, we"ve talked about how a variety of rules - constitutional provisions, laws, court decisions, institutional arrangements, and regulations - influence the way government and politics opertes. Write an essay in which you discuss how rules affect. Make sure you explain which rules are important and how they affect the behavior of relevant individuals (e. g. , government officials, voters, journalist, candidates, etc. Federal/state government: federal as stronger power, states still hold significant power (solving collective action problems, taxes, regulation of commerce, military, three branches, separation of powers, checks and balances, power of pluralism, federalist no. 10: limited power, mcculloch v maryland (national supremacy, elastic clause. Third party struggles: single member plurality system, tends to produce only two parties, which are large and diverse, duverger"s law. Government and media: private ownership, no government ownership, no prior restrainsts.