PHIL 2281 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: William Frankena, Moral Agency, Biocoenosis

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2 Apr 2017

Document Summary

Argues that is the good (well-being or welfare) of individual organisms that determine our moral relations with the earth"s wild communities of life. 2 concepts that are essential in determining moral attitude; without applying these, they cannot have proper outlook on these concepts (pg. 3: 1) the well-being of a living thing- every organism has a good of its own which moral agents can intentionally further or damage by their actions. What is good for an entity is what does good i the sense of enhancing or preserving its life and well-being. Philosophy of the environment: cex- leaving open to question that machines have a good of their own. These actions affect the good of the trees themselves. William frankena- offers a theory in which the ground of a creature"s being worthy of moral consideration is its sentience: idea of an entity possessing inherent worth (pg.